About Me

Greetings, 안녕하세요, こんにちは! I'm currently studying Java, JavaScript, and Angular at Cook Systems through their FastTrack program. In addition, I earned my certificate in Full Stack Web Development from the Actualize Coding Bootcamp, where I learned Ruby/Ruby on Rails and Vue.js. I also offer 8 months of professional software development experience during my time at The Walt Disney Company as an application developer. When I am not programming, I am either handcrafting coffee beverages for my community or watching the most recent episodes of Spy x Family and Jujutsu Kaisen (2nd seasons for both!). Seriously, go check them out! I highly recommend those series, even to those who are new to anime. You can also find me on a run as I train for the Chicago marathon next year!


My Projects

Social Media API

  • A RESTful Twitter API clone that allows for social media features such as creating an account, following another user, posting a tweet, and liking/reposting a tweet
  • Worked in a team of 2 other FastTrack developers to implement 30 endpoints that uses CRUD operations
  • Passed all FastTrack-provided tests and utilized Postman to test and troubleshoot API functionality

Ruby Icon Ruby on Rails Icon Visual Studio Code Icon Vue.js Icon Git Icon PostgreSQL Icon
Source Code

wakuwaku - Bootcamp Capstone Project

  • A web application that allows user to easily view the airtime of the next episode of an ongoing anime
  • Built with a Vue.js frontend and Ruby on Rails backend
  • Integrated the Google Calendar API and Twilio API, among others

Ruby Icon Ruby on Rails Icon Vue.js Icon Git Icon PostgreSQL Icon Visual Studio Code Icon
Frontend Source Code         Backend Source Code


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